On 19 January 2022, a press conference “First new rail cars and upgraded locomotives added to the PKP Intercity’s fleet” organized jointly with PKP Intercity was held at the headquarters of H. Cegielski – Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych in Poznań.

The conference was attended by:

Andrzej Bittel, Secretary of State, Representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure,

Bartłomiej Wróblewski, Member of the Polish Parliament,

Krzysztof Laskowski, President of the Management Board of FPS together with Board Members,

Marek Chraniuk, PKP Intercity’s CEO

together with Adam Laskowski, Board Member.

During the conference, the first 8 rail cars from a pool of 81 were presented and handed over.

Further rail cars which will be added to the fleet of PKP Intercity in the future are in the production process:


– 7 1st class compartment rail cars;

– 19 2nd class non-compartment rail cars;

– 27 2nd class compartment rail cars;

– 10 2nd class non-compartment rail cars with space for bicycles (each equipped with 8 bicycle racks);

– 10 2nd class compartment rail cars adapted for the carriage of disabled persons.

In addition to the rail cars, the first 2 modernised diesel locomotives of the new SU4220 series were also handed over.


A total of 13 such vehicles will be delivered to PKP Intercity.


The modernisation is co-financed under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, the projects “Railway for good connections – modernisation of rail cars and locomotives for PKP Intercity S.A.” and “Accelerating comfortably – modernisation of rail cars and purchase of locomotives for PKP Intercity S.A.”.
